About us
The Odesa Fine Arts Museum, which has an outstanding collection of art, is located in Odesa's heart, in the ancient Narishkin's Palace, built in the 1820s in Russian classicism's best traditions. In 1888, the mayor of Odesa bought the palace, a prominent public figure, philanthropist, and collector Gregory Marazli. He transferred it to the city to arrange a museum of fine arts. The museum was opened on October 24, 1899
The building of the Odesa Fine Arts Museum was built between 1842 and 1828 years; the project's author is unknown. When the construction was completed, Francesco Boffo, a renowned architect in Odesa, certified the building. The first owner of the palace was Countess Olga Naryshkina (née Potocka).
Hryhoriy Marazli, a well-known public figure, collector, philanthropist, and the mayor of Odesa, acquired the palace in 1888. In 1892 he transferred the palace to the city to create a museum of fine arts. The museum was opened on October 24 (November 6), 1899.
The architecture of the palace embodies the best traditions of Russian classicism of the early nineteenth century. The building's central composition is characterized as a strict and harmonized elegance — a 2 level building with a portico of six columns of the Corinthian order, supporting the pediment, and two symmetrically located single-story outbuildings connected by round galleries.
The tribute to the Romanticism era is a Grotto with a vaulted ceiling located under the central part of the main building, imitating a natural cave with an artificial waterfall. Two underground galleries lead from the grotto, which had access to a spacious garden that went down the slope to the sea coast. In a small exposition space before descending into the grotto, you can get to know the palace's history and the creation of a museum in it.
From the seaside, under the main building in the basement, there is a spacious gallery. The wall paintings that have been preserved after the "Exhibition of Housekeeping", which took place in the palace and the adjacent garden in 1895 are still located on the vaulted ceilings and walls. Now in this part of the palace, there is an experimental gallery, "Yellow Giants."
Доступний музей, історія інклюзивних змін
Восени 2021-го року команда Одеського художнього музею за підтримки Українського культурного фонду реалізувала проєкт «Доступний музей на слух і дотик». Мета цього проєкту — зробити експозиційний простір та освітні програми Одеського художнього доступними для людей з порушеннями зору та слуху, а також адаптувати наявний та створити новий онлайн та офлайн контент, що дозволить їм знайомитися з історією мистецтва, музею та міста у зручний та доступний для них спосіб. Окрім того, важливою частиною проєкту є навчання колективу Одеського художнього щодо надання екскурсійних послуг людям із порушеннями зору та слуху.
Відповідно, наш проєкт поділено на три великі частини:
— для людей із порушеннями зору;
— для людей із порушеннями слуху;
— для музейників.
За посиланням розповідаємо про кожну складову детальніше.
The history of museum's names
1898 — The commission of the Odesa society of Fine Arts was established along with the museum
1899 — The city museum of Fine Art
1919 — The first state art gallery
1923 — The third National Art Museum
1925 — The National Art Museum
1928 — Odesa National Art Museum
1929 — The National Art Museum
1938 — Museum of Russian and Ukrainian Art named after Brodsky
1944 — Art Gallery
1947 — Art Gallery
1950 — Odesa national art gallery
1966 — Odesa Fine Arts Museum
2021 — Odesa National Fine Arts Museum

Катерина Кулай

Олександра Ковальчук
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